Long term investment to finance the energy transition

Our Portfolio managers Anne-Claire Abadie & Alban Préaubert detail the management philosophy of the Sycomore Eco Solutions Fund, and how long term investment can finance the energy transition.
Access the full report by clicking here.
''The opinions and estimates herein are based on our judgement and may change without prior warning as may assertions on financial market trends which are based on current market conditions. To the best of our knowledge, the information herein is reliable but must not be considered as exhaustive. This document is not an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell any financial instrument whatsoever. References to specific securities or their issuing companies are merely for illustrative purposes and should not be construed as recommendations to buy or sell these securities. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. Opinions and strategies described may not be suitable for all investors. Returns and valuations for investments in any funds that might be mentioned may rise or fall and investors may receive more or less at redemption than the sum initially invested. Investors are warned that they could suffer capital losses.''
''The FCP offers no guarantee as to returns or capital protection. Investors should be aware that their capital invested may not be fully recovered. The fund may not achieve its target performance and may not meet investor objectives. The performance of a bond can be attributed in part to environmental, social or governance indicators, which are not, however, the only determining factors of this performance. It should be noted that past performance are not an indication of future performances and are not constant over time. Before investing, read the fund’s full prospectus, available for consultation on our website www.sycomore-am.com.''
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