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A responsible and engaged asset manager

Sycomore AM is committed to bringing together financial performance and sustainable development and embedding this pledge over the long-term. We consider companies as responsible investors and employ a unique research methodology. As a player keen to drive progress, Sycomore AM engages with the companies within its investment universe to support their transitions.

A fundamental analysis model designed to drive sustainable performances.

A company can only create sustainable value if this value is shared between all of its stakeholders: this conviction dictates our approach as responsible investors. Because our mission is to deliver sustainable performance for our clients, our portfolio manager-analysts look beyond P&L and financial statements and assess how a company interacts with its stakeholders to measure the strength of its business models and their governance as well as its social, societal, and environmental impacts.

S for Society & Suppliers

Is the company beneficial to society, is it responsible in its dealings with suppliers?
Societal contribution of products and services, societal contribution as an employer, citizenship behaviour, human rights, control of its subcontracting chain.

P for People

Does the company offer its employees clear missions, in an environment that fosters “well-being” at work?
Importance given to employee fulfillment, working environment conductive to the development of skills, tracking of engagement, diversity and equity.

I for Investors

Does the company offer its shareholders an attractive and sustainable return on equity?
Strength of business model by unlocking the opportunities offered by a more sustainable and inclusive economy, quality of governance, alignment of all stakeholder interests.

C for Clients

Does the company offer its clients products and/or services with a clear added value?
Pertinence and consistency of marketing strategy, risks inherent to products and services, digital responsibility.

E for Environment

How does the company impact ecosystems and does it limit its adverse impacts on natural capital?
Integration of environmental issues within the corporate strategy, direct and indirect environmental impacts, transition risks, physical risks.
Sycoway as an investor
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NEC, Net Environmental Contribution

Summarises, in one single figure, whether a company contributes positively or hinders the environmental transition. Simple, transparent, and multi-dimensional, the NEC measures the environmental impacts of any business activity and helps monitor the pathway over time.

Societal Contribution

Compares, as objectively as possible, the ability of a business model to address major societal challenges, in particular those identified in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our quantitative metric merges the positive and negative societal contributions of a company’s different activities.

The Good Jobs rating

Measures a company’s ability to create quality and durable employment opportunities, for all, and particularly in areas where needs are greatest. Our methodology analyses jobs in terms of quantity, quality, and regional footprint.

SACRE, well-being at work

Assess the propensity of a company to create a working environment that fosters employee fulfillment and self-motivation. Looking beyond traditional HR indicators, our analysis is structured around 5 pillars: Sense of purpose, Autonomy, Competence & skills, Relations, and Equity.

Good in Tech Charter

Identify the impacts, both positive and negative, of a Tech project or company, by applying a transparent and exhaustive process. Our analysis focuses both on the product and service offering and on the use that is made of the technology.

ESG publications

We are keen to offer transparent information and as such, the methodologies applied within the SPICE analysis model as well as our underlying proprietary indicators have been made available to the public. Please download our ESG publications.

Engagement & advocacy

Shareholder engagement is a key tenet of Sycomore AM’s role as a responsible investor. The dialogue and collective momentum we take part in are essential for the development of more sustainable business models able to address today’s key societal and environmental challenges.

Our action

Our shareholder engagement is materialized through the dialogue we hold with individual companies within our investment universe, through the systematic exercise of our voting rights, and through our involvement in collective and collaborative engagement initiatives.

Our initiatives

We have engaged in initiatives aiming to promote and develop responsible investment and are involved with investor coalitions that specialise in key sustainability issues. We are also regularly invited to speak at universities or business schools, publish articles and organise events that are a testimony to our engagement and our vision of tomorrow’s world.

Our votes

Detailed information on our votes is available on-line the day after each AGM.

A transparent investor

Sycomore AM's mission is to measure the sustainability performances of its funds and to improve the environmental and societal contribution of its investments by ensuring transparency and education for its clients.
ESG indicator n°1

Company’s Net Environmental Contribution

A transparent indicator measuring the degree of compatibility of each single activity with the environmental transition and the targets set to fight climate change.
ESG indicator n°2

The Societal Contribution of a company’s products and services

Proprietary methodology developed to assess the alignment of a company’s activities with key societal challenges.
ESG indicator n°3

Exposure and contribution to Sustainable Development Goals

Our quantitative and qualitative analysis identifies the goals to which companies contribute positively through their product and service offering.
ESG indicator n°4

The percentage of women in a company’s headcount and on the executive committee

A powerful indicator of a company’s ability to promote diversity and equal opportunities throughout the organisation.
ESG indicator n°5

Aggregate headcount growth over 3 years

Objective assessment of a company’s dynamism and its ability to generate growth.
ESG indicator n°6

Percentage of companies with a human rights policy.

A quantifiable factor for measuring how companies consider human rights.

Seeking positive impacts

Our search for positive impacts is key to our mission, which is to develop a more sustainable and inclusive economy and generate positive impacts for each of our stakeholders.


Sycomore AM’s ambition is to report on how its investments support the creation of a more sustainable and inclusive economy and the firm is gradually developing its approach to measuring impacts.


Sycomore AM has strengthened its own societal contribution by sharing some of the value created with associations and project leaders running high societal and/or environmental impact projects, notably via its thematic funds and the Sycomore Foundation.

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