A responsible and engaged asset manager
Sycomore AM is committed to bringing together financial performance and sustainable development and embedding this pledge over the long-term. We consider companies as responsible investors and employ a unique research methodology. As a player keen to drive progress, Sycomore AM engages with the companies within its investment universe to support their transitions.
A fundamental analysis model designed to drive sustainable performances.
S for Society & Suppliers
Societal contribution of products and services, societal contribution as an employer, citizenship behaviour, human rights, control of its subcontracting chain.
P for People
Importance given to employee fulfillment, working environment conductive to the development of skills, tracking of engagement, diversity and equity.
I for Investors
Strength of business model by unlocking the opportunities offered by a more sustainable and inclusive economy, quality of governance, alignment of all stakeholder interests.
C for Clients
Pertinence and consistency of marketing strategy, risks inherent to products and services, digital responsibility.
E for Environment
Integration of environmental issues within the corporate strategy, direct and indirect environmental impacts, transition risks, physical risks.
NEC, Net Environmental Contribution
Societal Contribution
The Good Jobs rating
SACRE, well-being at work
Good in Tech Charter
ESG publications
Engagement & advocacy
Our action
Our initiatives
Our votes
A transparent investor
Company’s Net Environmental Contribution
The Societal Contribution of a company’s products and services
Exposure and contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
The percentage of women in a company’s headcount and on the executive committee
Aggregate headcount growth over 3 years
Percentage of companies with a human rights policy.
Seeking positive impacts