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Anne-Claire Imperiale

Anne-Claire Imperiale

Head of Sustainability


Anne-Claire Imperiale is head of ESG and engagement in the management and analysis team. She joined Sycomore Asset Management and the financial segment in 2017. She uses her previous experience in auditing in serving continuous improvement in the responsible investor process pursued by Sycomore Asset Management. Anne-Claire coordinates her ESG research and shareholder engagement activities, as well as the projects for evolving our ESG analysis methods. She assists Sycomore Asset Management with its business mission. All this with the aim of directing our investments towards companies that meet today’s environmental, social and societal challenges and take part in the transformation of our economy. Before joining Sycomore Asset Management, Anne-Claire worked for 8 years in consulting and auditing on sustainable development, 4 years with EY and 4 years with Deloitte. Anne-Claire Imperiale is an engineer qualified from the Rouen Insa on industrial risks and environmental impacts.

“A stone has no hope of being anything but a stone. But, joining with others, it can become a temple.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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